Friday, May 4, 2012

Locating the perfect web design degree

Like most people who got a four year degree I thought that I’d actually be able to use it once I graduated, unfortunetly

the recession hit my field (social work) pretty hard. Most of the social work agencies in my area instigated hiring freezes; I even looked out of state and found much of

the same. I ended up having to work at a dollar store as well as a supermarket just to make ends meet, and even with two jobs I still ended up moving back in with my

parents.After about a year of working two dead end jobs and having to listen to the “if you had just been a dental assistant” spiel a friend of mine suggested that I take

a look at a technical school. I had originally been graphic arts major before I switched to social work so getting a graphic design degree actually made sense. I was able

to find a great school that offered both web design degree (s) as well as graphic design degree (s). I felt a little torn at first because I love graphic design and since

I had already taken graphic design classes it would be really easy to earn a graphic design degree. But on the other hand there’s such a demand now a days for Web

Designers so getting a web design degree also made sense. Both web and graphic designers are in high demand these days so it wasn’t a matter of choosing which would be

easier to get my foot in the door. It ended up more of a matter of which would I get job satisfaction from, if you’re not happy in your job then why bother doing it

right? I kind of felt like I was in Robert Frost’s poem the road Not Taken, I had two possible career paths in front of me, Web Design degree or Graphic Design Degree. It

was extremely hard for me to choose; on one hand a Graphic Design Degree would make a lot of sense because I already had taken a lot of the courses so I could graduate

sooner as well as the fact that graphic design is such a broad field. On the other hand it seemed to me at the time that if I wanted to design websites then I would need

a Web Design Degree in order to be taken seriously.    Fortnightly I had the common sense to speak to a student counselor and she told me that although a web design

degree would look good on a resume, I could indeed get a graphic design degree and still be able to design websites. This was because in order to get a web design degree

you have to have experience with graphic arts and in the graphic design degree program you can emphasize in web design. I was able to get a degree in graphic design with

an emphasis in web design and still have the options to work in more fields than just web design. Overall I had a great experience with my school, professors, and my

student counselor. I highly recommend the program that I graduated from to anyone interested in graphic design degree or web design degree!

Find a great program at

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